Suicide remains the tenth leading cause of death, but is the third leading cause of death among teens aged 15-24. As common as suicide is, it still tends to be a taboo subject and for that reason, many teens go a long time feeling extremely depressed, isolated, and hopeless with no where to turn for fear that if they tell someone the person will not understand and will possibly even try to lock them up in a mental institution. If you are in this position, you are not alone! Here at the YouthLine we talk to teens very regularly who are feeling suicidal and struggling with whether they should cope with what’s going on or end it all. We also talk to teens who know a friend or loved one who they think may be suicidal and are unsure of how to help the person. It is 100% normal and okay to feel suicidal. Many of us go through difficult times in life where it is nearly impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel like there are options. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, there are always options and things do get better! Teen volunteers are here Monday-Friday from 4-9pm because they genuinely care and want to listen to the things that matter to you and how it makes you feel, with no judgement on our end. YouthLiners can also walk you through how to help a friend who shows signs of being suicidal.
National Suicide Prevention Week is a great opportunity to remind whoever is reading this that it is okay to talk about suicide and in fact, we encourage it! Whether you are suicidal or are concerned for others who may be thinking of suicide, as the picture reads: “SPEAK UP AND REACH OUT”
Here are the ways you can contact a teen on the YouthLine:
Call 1-877-968-8491
Text “teen2teen” to 66746
Instant Message by clicking the Chat Icon