Life is full of stressors. In fact, just writing this blog post is a little stressful. It is important to recognize the stressors in our lives and build up ways to manage that stress. Don’t let the stress rule you! This basic skill is one of the first things that we learn in YouthLine training, and is something that we work on with each one of our callers/texters and chatters.
Managing stress can look very different for each person, because everyone experiences stress differently- and that’s ok! Like how something may be stressful for one person and not stressful for another, one way of dealing with stress may be helpful for one person and not helpful for another. This is why it is important for you to recognize what works for you and start building a collection of stress management skills that you can use in whatever situation you might find yourself in.
If one way you cope with stress is to go for a walk, but it is a dark and rainy night, what is something else that you can in that moment? What if you are in class and you need to do something for your stress right away? We’ve got some ideas that might help!
Practicing stress management every day, regardless of the level of stress, is a great habit to get into. Letting stress get the better of you can be hard to recover from, so it is important to manage the stress as it comes, piece by piece. Here are some common stress management skills that people find helpful:
Deep breathing
Listening to Music
Take a Nap
If you ever have a hard time thinking of a way to manage your stress, or your favorite way to cope is unavailable to you in the moment please call, text, chat, or email us!