School Suicide Prevention Plan Grant Reporting "*" indicates required fields This form is meant to collect information about the use of grant funds awarded to your school district in support of SB 52. Reports are due no later than 6 months after funds are received. Reports will be available as a fillable form on our website for completion. Please direct questions to Claire Kille, School Suicide Prevention and Wellness Program Manager, at ClaireK@linesforlife.orgContact Name* Contact Email* Contact Position* School District Or School Name* Grant Information*What did your Mini Grant Go Towards? (If you have images that capture a before & after renovation or wellness initiative, please attach: No image will be used without permission, this is for SSPW internal records to show impact of mini grants.) Student Curriculum Training Costs Physical Space renovation & resources (counseling room, student break space, etc..) Wellness event or initiative (student led groups/projects, staff, community event, swag/materials) Total amount received* Please summarize where the grant funds were applied* How did these funds support your implementation of SB 52? With the funding you received and how you used it, did this directly impact populations named in Adi’s Act?This includes: youth who are grieving a death by suicide; youth with disabilities, mental health diagnoses, or substance use disorders; youth experiencing houselessness or out-of-home settings like foster care; and LGBTQ2SIA+ youth. Yes No Estimated number of students receiving curriculum* Does your district Adi’s Act plan address all components, including: prevention, intervention, postvention, accessibility, parent & youth engagement, and historically higher risk populations? How many students were reached?(student count in district/or school depending on where funds were used) What is the status of your district's suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention plan?* Completed In progress Please attach your complete suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention plan as it exists right now*Max. file size: 50 MB.What supports do you need to continue to strengthen your suicide prevention efforts? (Please ATTACH supporting document in previous form field)How was communicating with the Lines for Life School Suicide Prevention and Wellness Program helpful in preparing your suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention policies?*What could be improved in the support that the School Suicide Prevention and Wellness Program provides in future support with Oregon’s school districts?*Anything else you would like to share? (Optional) Δ