my score said to see a counceler bt i dont want to its a lot of money and my school ones are awkward to speak with
Dear Celeste,
Thank you for reaching out to the YouthLine. Just because the score you received on the test suggested that you see a counselor, that doesn’t mean that you necessarily need to. Depression is something that needs to be taken seriously, but there are other ways to receive help and support if seeing a counselor is not an option for you. Since I don’t know anything about you or your situation, I would just ask that you take some questions into consideration: Do you agree with the test results and consider yourself to be depressed? If so, that’s good that you can recognize how you are feeling and that you want to do something about it. Can you remember when you started feeling this way and do you know why? Was there something going on in your life? Are there any hobbies that you enjoy doing and that make you feel better, such as jogging, reading, writing, etc.?
If seeing a counselor is something you would be interested in as long as money is not an issue, then the YouthLine can give you resources for your exact area for free or low-cost counseling available to you. To get these resources you can either give us a call at 1-877-968-8491 or you can e-mail us again with the county you live in. If you live in Portland, (where we are located) you might consider visiting Outside In, which provides free counseling for homeless and low-income youth. You can visit their website at
I hope this is helpful, and again, we would love to hear from you again. The YouthLine is available 24/7, or if you prefer to talk with a teen, you can call Monday-Friday from 4-9pm. 1-877-968-8491