Three teenage girls submitted stories to Seventeen Magazine about a personal experience with marijuana that left them terrified and convinced that the supposed not-so-harmful drug is actually more harmful and dangerous than most people like to admit. Check out the article written by Holly Eagleson to get a first-hand glance at why weed is not necessarily as natural and harmless as your friend, co-worker, family member, or some other person would like you to believe.
The following is just one small section of the article:
Weed isn’t just more popular — it’s also more dangerous than ever. Here’s why:
It’s addictive. Teens are three times more likely to get addicted to pot than adults — even if you’re not a regular hard-core smoker.
It messes up your mind. Daily use of marijuana for girls makes you five times more likely to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety.
It makes you sick. Just one joint has as many cancer-causing chemicals as five cigarettes.
To check out the rest and to read the personal stories, click here!